Their Right as Much as Ours: U.S. Attorneys Make Strong Case for Citizenship

According to the Huffington Post, more than 1.5 million people have been deported in the last 4 years, since the beginning of 2009.  After looking at individual causes for deportation, proponents of keeping law-abiding people with extenuating circumstances in the country have been fighting harder than ever.

The fact is, sometimes an unlawful U.S. citizen has just as much right to live on American land as a lawful one.  When they make valuable contributions to society and become a family member of a respectable group of people, they've earned their right to be here.

People like Brenda Guzman, mother of 5 children (all U.S. citizens because they were born here); Jose Luis Martinez, a just contributor to society living in the States for 20 years; and Felipe Montes, father of 3 children (all U.S. citizens).

Despite their ties to a strong family and acts of good deeds during their years in the States, they were deported.  Their children were given to foster care shelters and their chance of living the American dream was crushed in an instant.

The deportation of people like those mentioned above continues to occur even as politicians and protestors of unjust deportation fight the flawed deportation system.  That's why deportation attorneys in high immigration areas like Texas and other border states are needed more than ever.  Deportation attorneys make strong cases for making "unlawful" U.S. Citizens lawful. 

Some of the options deportation attorneys explore when making a case include:

  • Adjustment of Status: family ties to lawful citizens of the United States give unlawful citizens a fighting chance to maintain their place in America. 
  • Waiver: when you have extenuating circumstances that give you an original case for citizenship, a waiver is granted at the discretion of the court.  With a strong lawyer and case, your contribution to society can counter years of illegal citizenship.
  • Citizenship: Perhaps you were born in the U.S., but this isn't being acknowledged by deportation authorities.  Attorneys can help you prove your citizenship.

Deportation attorneys like the ones at The McGregor Firm commit themselves daily to gaining the confidence of those faced with deportation.  To acquire a dedicated team to fight for your rights to citizenship and living in the U.S., contact The McGregor Firm online or call 214-720-9555 today