Practice Launch 101

Looking to start a practice? You are going to the right place.

Practice Launch 101

You are invited to our Practice Launch 101 seminar, where we bring together multiple experts in a small group setting to explain exactly what owning a practice is all about. This seminar is geared to anyone expecting to buy or start a practice within the next 2 years.

There is no shortage of practice ownership seminars, many of which are useful. Many, unfortunately, are merely sophisticated sales pitches hoping to sell you on their services. Not here.

Our Practice Launch 101 features the following to ensure maximum efficiency of your time:

  • No charge

    (this is not a money-making move for us).

  • Limited seating (so that you, yes you, can ask questions).

  • Experienced experts (no one trying to break into the industry; they’re already here).

  • No marketing to you (simply experts being experts).

  • Coverage of start-ups, partnerships, and acquisitions.


9:30 – Introduction
10:00 – 11:30 Open Expert Forums
11:30 – 12:00 Lunch
12:00 – 1:00 Final Q&As


Saturday, September 7th, 2024.


Dallas, Texas.

What to bring?

Writing stuff and all your practice start-up questions.

Who will be there?

A CPA, Real Estate Broker, Practice Broker, and a Banker.

How long will this meeting be?

4 hours + breakout sessions


Participation is limited to 15 people, so register soon!

Reserve your spot now!

To register for this event, please fill out this online form.